Mosaico's Miriam Fabiancic new literary blogs are now online, with books reviews and author interviews.
Miriam Fabiancic, editor-in-chief of Club Mosaico, is currently writing two new literary blogs. On “Libros que Miriam recomienda”, the author has short and intimate reviews on books like “Cien Años de Soledad / One Hundred Years of Solitude,” “Tres Tazas de té / Three Cups of Tea” and “El sueño del Celta / The Dream of the Celt.”
On the other blog, “Entrevistas con autores”, Fabiancic offers Q&A interviews with authors.
Fabiancic, born in Mendoza, Argentina, came to the US 1987 and started her career as a Children’s Book editor at Scholastic in the early 1990’s, where she also managed Club de Lectura (currently Club Leo). Then, Fabiancic lived in Venezuela and Dominican Republic, where she worked with USAID and the private sector to get books and facilitate teacher training in underprivileged schools. In 2007 she moved back to New York and is now Editor-in-Chief of Club Mosaico.