Spanish book club celebrates first year

The celebration was enlivened by live guitar from Colombian artist Victoria Dehesa. Among those attending were Marie Mueller, director of the library, and Gloria Parkinson, trustee of the library.

CLINTON - With a solid showing of guests, the Bigelow Free Public Library's Spanish Book Club celebrated its first birthday on Sept. 15. This initiative began in 2015 with the purpose of gathering the Hispanic community in Clinton and other neighboring communities, and with the intention of reading great Hispanic American writers. The club meets the second Wednesday of each month at the library in Clinton.

The celebration was enlivened by live guitar from Colombian artist Victoria Dehesa. Among those attending were Marie Mueller, director of the library, and Gloria Parkinson, trustee of the library. Attendees from more than 10 Hispanic countries participated in the event, enjoying an abundance of music, traditional food and conversation.

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