EDICIONES JC goes back to their origins

In the late 70s the splendid monographs that Carlos Fernández Cuenca wrote in the 60s for the Spanish Film Library -then Nacional- on filmmakers who Casas dedicated his cycles to, were already a thing of the past.

Also left behind was the magnificent Illustrated Encyclopedia of Film, published in 1970 by Editorial Labor, and the equally admirable Cinema, 7th Art Encyclopedia, given to the press in 1972 by Buru Lan Ediciones. The cinephile literature that was published in Spain used to be a translation from French, English or Italian texts, otherwise Argentinian or Mexican imports, where fans would read about fabulous movies. Thus they discovered “Cinema According to Hitchcock”, by the great Truffaut, which was first published in Spain by Pocket Book, Alianza Editorial  in1974.

Read more here - EL MUNDO CULTURA 

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