“La Tejedora de sombras” (The Shadow Weaver) is the 2012 winner of the prestigious award.
Jorge Volpi's “La Tejedora de sombras” (The Shadow Weaver) is the winner of the fifth Premio Iberoamericano Planeta-Casa de América de Narrativa. The announcement was made Tuesday in Madrid, Spain.
A total of 454 novels from different countries competed for the award. The members of the jury were Alberto Manguel (Argentina), Carmen Posadas (Uruguay), Clara Sánchez (Spain), Imma Turbau (Casa de América) and Carlos Revés (Grupo Planeta).
Jorge Volpi, born in Mexico in 1968, is a well known essayist and novelist. A former lawyer, Volpi has also won the Spanish award Premio Biblioteca Breve (En busca de Klingsor / In Search of Klingsor,) and the French Deux-Océans-Grinzane-Cavour-Prize, among others.