Spanish Graphic Novel Boom Reaches America

A dignified older man in a suit tries to make sense of his life in a home for senior citizens as he struggles to hold on to his memories. That’s the haunting premise for Wrinkles (Arrugas) by Paco Roca,....

It was just the start of a recent boom in Spanish graphic novel publishing, with production surging, and more and more Spanish cartoonists finding an international readership. According to statistics from Tebeosfera, a Spanish comics website, the number of comics published in Spain grew to 2,905 in 2015, up from 2,470 in 2012.


Though there have been many notable Spanish comics makers in the past—Blacksad, by Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido, an elegant noir series starring an anthropomorphic cat hero, is an international bestseller, and artists David Aja (Hawkeye) and Marcos Martin (Private Eye) have gained acclaim in the mainstream U.S. comics market—the development of Spain’s own comics culture has been relatively recent.

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