CEDRO offers Get It Now, a document supply service for university libraries

CEDRO offers Get It Now, a document supply service for university libraries

It is currently used by 350 academic libraries around the world for articles in scientific journals to which libraries are not subscribed.

Madrid, 09.06.2016. The Spanish Centre for Reproduction Rights (CEDRO) has begun marketing  Get It Now in Spain. This is a service which supplies digital copies of articles of scientific journals aimed at university and academic libraries, supplementing the interlibrary loan.

From now on, CEDRO offers a comprehensive solution to university libraries in their document management processes. In addition to licensing reproduction of books, magazines and newspapers, marketed in conlicencia.com, now CEDRO also provides this service to obtain articles, characterized by its speed, the real-time control of the courses taken and attended and the monthly billing.

Get It Now is a service of immediate supply of documents Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), is the US entity homologous to CEDRO. It currently has a repertoire of tens of millions of articles from more than 17,000 major US scientific journals and from other countries.

Academic libraries can integrate Get it Now service with "solver links" or link resolvers (such as OCLC or EBSCO Proquest, etc.) or their management programs of interlibrary loan to obtaining documents. In Spain an agreement has been reached with Kronosdoc to integrate with Get It Now in the GTBib-SOD program.

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