The National Library of Spain implements the auto-copy service

Starting on September 1, the National Library of Spain will introduce in their reading rooms, carbonless service for its users. Through this service users may photograph library funds with personal devices (mobile phones or tablets). The Library aims to make available to its users copies of work to facilitate access to the texts needed for their research in a convenient and simple way.

The reading rooms in which users will be able to take pictures of funds from the BNE with their mobile devices are the following:  Salón General, Sala de Prensa y Revistas, Sala Cervantes, Sala Goya y Sala Barbieri. The photographs will be taken in areas equipped for this purpose, located in these rooms and with staff of the corresponding room prior authorization.

Free bibliographical and documentaries which rights are free and are in good conditions, may be photographed. Exceptions are manuscripts, documents unbound (looseleaf), materials with expandable or complex handling, unique specimens removed from public consultation or any other specimen whose circumstances or condition, according to the room staff, is advised against their reproduction.

The use made of the images taken must, in any event, respect the current legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The images can only be used for study and research, and in no case for commercial purposes.




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