The Cervantes Institute has made available for all internet users their audiovisual and legacy archives, which hold close to 10,000 documents....
among which there are translations into 50 languages of the first chapter of Don Quixote. This free, open access project of the Cervantes Institute called Digital Collections (Colecciones Digitales, includes all audiovisual documentation generated by this institution in the 25 years that have passed since their creation. According to the information provided by the Cervantes Institute, such digital legacy possesses high documentary value, given the singularity of its contents and its protagonists, as well as the intellectual and cultural contribution to the world of the Spanish language and culture that it represents. Amongst these documents there are translations of Don Quixote, the Red de Bibliotecas (Libraries Net), the Alfonso de Sierra Ochoa Archives, the Carlos Pereda Roig Archives, as well as the digital memory of the institution, to which more content will be added as the process of digitalization of the Cervantes Institute – already underway – allows.
Read more full article here - Instituto Cervantes Press Release