Miguel Botero García wins the Premio Spiwak Ciudad de Cali for the Pacific American Novel in Spanish

“The prize is worth 50,000 dollars and the work will be published by Siglo XXI Editores.

Last Tuesday, at the panel conversation ‘An overview of contemporary literature in Spanish’ the verdict of the jury made up of Rosa Beltrán from Mexico; Leonardo Padura from Cuba; Sergio Ramírez from Nicaragua; Noé Jitrik from Argentina and Darío Jaramillo Agudelo from Colombia was announced. The writer entered the competition under the pseudonym ‘Astromelio’ with his novel Sueño blanco (White Dream), a work that the jury hailed for ‘its literary quality, well-drawn characters and situations and the handling of a narrative voice that portrays a desperate generation trapped in a cycle of drugs and violence.’ 280 unpublished manuscripts were presented from all over the Pacific Basin, from Canada to Chile.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage

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