First Argentine Editions in the “Mapa de las Lenguas” initiative

“Mapa de las lenguas” was founded to promote several authors and books outside of their home markets,” explains Pilar Reyes, the editorial director of Alfaguara.

“In Spain the goal was to launch Latin American authors and the initiative began in June 2015 with excellent sales results and critical acclaim. Now it is being launched in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, to establish a space for communication between authors from the continent and Spain. A literary geography of our language.” The idea is as simple as it is ambitious: every month the editors at Alfaguara and Literatura Random House will select two authors from their Hispano-American catalogues to present to readers from each country in a weekly bulletin, in e-books and physical editions distributed to the most literary bookshops in each country.

(…) August will see the launch of Las tierras arrasadas (The Ravaged Lands, Literatura Random House) by the Mexican writer Emiliano Monge (Mexico City, 1978) and Cartagena (Alfaguara) by the Uruguayan Claudia Amengual (Montevideo, 1969). In September it will be the turn of El comité de la noche (The Night Committee, Literatura Random House) by the Spanish writer Belén Gopegui (Madrid, 1963) and La caída de los pájaros (The Fall of the Birds, Alfaguara) by the Mexican Karen Chacek (Mexico City, 1972).

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

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