The writer Agustín Fernández Paz dies in Vigo

The native of Lugo, 69 años years of age, was a yardstick in the field of children’s and young adult literature.

Agustín Fernández Paz (born at Vilalba, Lugo, 1947) died at seven o’clock this morning at his home in Vigo, according to Xerais, a publishing house to which he contributed both literarily and personally. The celebrated author continues to be a force in children’s and young adult literature and his books have been constantly reissued and translated into many languages, including English, French, Italian, Arabic, and Portuguese.

Among the many recognitions received in his career are the Irmandade Book Prize (2003); the Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez Prize (2008); the Letter E Prize from the Association of Writers in the Galician Language (AELG) (2009); and SM Iberian-American Prize for Children’s and Young Adult Literature (2011).

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