Spain is the guest of honour at 2016 Authors’ Reading Month

The 17th annual literary festival takes place from 1st July to 4th August.

The festival was first held in Brno in 2000 and it soon spread to other cities and now takes place also in Ostrava, Wroc?aw, Košice and Lviv. Two authors are introduced every day – a guest of honour and a local author (Czechs and Slovaks in Brno, Košice and Ostrava, Ukrainians in Lviv and Poles in Wroc?aw). The guest of honour this year is Spain.

Well-known Czech authors will also be taking part in the events, including Ludvík N?mec, Pavel Vilikovský, Petra Soukupová, Ivan Klíma, Michal Habaj, David Zábranský, J. H. Krchovský, Iva Pekárková, Michal Viewegh or this year’s Magnesia Litera-winner, Anna Bolavá.

Participating Spanish, Basque and Catalan auhors include: Ignacio Vidal-Folch, Lorenzo Silva, Carme Riera, Lluís-Anton Baulenas, Rosa Ribas, Rosa Montero, Sebastià Alzamora, Harkaitz Cano, Pilar Adón, Jordi Llobregat…

The Spanish Bookstage 

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