10 bestselling indie books of the month

In collaboration with Biografías Personales/AM Consultores, we are pleased to share the monthly list of the bestselling self-published e-books in Spanish on Amazon platforms, where 65% of all ebooks are sold.

 This ranking took into account total sales on all three platforms, the share of sales on each and an exhaustive weekly analysis by NovelRank.

  • En un rincón del alma, by Antonia J. Corrales
  • Tú me haces feliz, by Sophie Saint Rose
  • El regreso del Catón, by Matilde Asensi
  • Caminando descalzo sobre la hierba, by Anna Garcia
  • Los Crímenes Azules, by Enrique Laso
  • Quédate conmigo, by Anna Garcia
  • Bajo el cielo de los celtas, by José Vicente Alfaro
  • Tras el Sol de Cartagena, by David Zaplana
  • Nunca fuiste mi segunda opción, by Chris M. Navarro
  • Patas arriba, by Rosario Vila

According to the the Spanish version of the Global Report 2016 eBook by Rüdiger Wischenbart, to be presented at III Jornada del Autor (Bilbao, September 2016), “In Spain (2015), 60% of digital sales come from abroad (40% of sales from Latin America and 20% from the US)”.

Read more:

  •  Antonia J. Corrales (Amazon.com)
  •  Antonia J. Corrales (Amazon.com.mx)
  •  Sophie Saint Rose (Amazon.com)
  •  Sophie Saint Rose (Amazon.es)
  •  Matilde Asensi (Amazon.es)
  •  Anna Garcia (Amazon.com)
  •  Anna Garcia (Amazon.es)
  •  Enrique Laso (Amazon.com)
  •  Anna García "Quédate conmigo" (Amazon.es)
  •  José Vicente Alfaro (Amazon.com)
  •  David Zaplana (Amazon.es)
  •  Chris M. Navarro (Amazon.es)
  •  Rosario Vila (Amazon.es)
  • Read more here

The Spanish Bookstage - July 27th, 2016


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