The Spanish illustrator Ana Peñas Chumillas is the winner of the VII Iberian-American Illustration Catalog and Selection

This event has been jointly held since 2010 by the SM Foundation, El Ilustradero, and the International Book Fair of Guadalajara (FIL).

It gathers together both seasoned illustrators and young talent and results in a publication intended to serve as reference and consultation benchmark for the publishing field, as well as in a traveling exhibition which seeks to disseminate the work of professional illustrators throughout Iberian America, and to contribute to the cultural development of the Spanish and Portuguese speaking world.

The jury panel was integrated by Andrea Fuentes (Mexico), Mauricio Gómez Morin (Mexico), Jorge Alderete (Argentina-Mexico), Mónica Bergna (Mexico-Venezuela), and Silvia Lanteri (Argentina). The final selection of the VII Iberian-American Illustration Catalog includes the work of 34 illustrators from among a total participation of more than 950 illustrators from the following 20 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Original News item published in La Lectura Futura 

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