The accolade, which honors the best nonfiction novel of the year, was created in memory of the Argentine journalist killed by Argentina's military dictatorship
All Shipwrecked (Ediciones B) is a text in which Lobo makes a portrait of his family "as a mirror of their country," explained the journalist after the verdict. The Dashiell Hammett Award for best crime novel in Spanish of last year went to Basement (Salto de Paginas) of the Argentine Marcelo Lujan; the story of a crime in a rural house. Moreover, the Celsius Award for science fiction and fantasy has been given to Eduardo Vaquerizo for They Lie to Us (Fantascy) and the Espartaco for hiatorical novel to Leon Arsenal for Balbo. The left hand of Caesar (Sphere). Finally, Jordi Juan, for Dead Angle (Edaf), has won the Memorial Siverio Canada to the best first crime novel. LA LECTORA FUTURA -
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