Liber, the largest international fair for books in Spanish, taking place on 12-14 October at Barcelona's Gran Via Exhibition Centre, is finalizing the content of its one-day conferences for professionals in which more than 100 Spanish and international speakers will reflect on the main problems and challenges facing the book world and how to tackle them successfully.
The preliminary programme includes nearly 50 round tables, conferences and presentations that will deal with different issues relating to new business models, foreign markets, marketing and the evolution of the digitalisation of books, amongst other topics.
The various activities making up the professional seminars of the book fair have been grouped according to the core themes approved by the Management Board of the Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds (FGEE) and the Executive and Organising Committees of Liber 2016, although other sessions of a transversal nature are also included.Thus, as part of the topic dedicated to increasing the presence of books in Spanish in foreign markets, the spotlight will fall upon Latin America, the USA and Europe, the main export destinations for Spain. There will be sessions focussing on how to sell more books in the USA and how to access new markets via the internet. The free circulation of books in the Ibero-American area will also be debated. Additionally, a study will be presented on the circulation of Spanish culture in the USA and new horizons on the selling of rights will be discussed.
Read full Press Release here