10 bestselling indie authors in the first half of 2016

Together with Biografías Personales/AM Consultores, we can now present some of the bestselling indie authors in Spanish language in the first half of 2016 on the amazon.es, amazon.com and amazon.com.mx platforms.....

where 65% of all ebooks are sold. All these authors have self-published through Amazon or other self-publishing platforms.From now on, in collaboration with BP/AM, once a month we’re going to share a list of the bestselling self-published books on these platforms. We hope you’ll find them of interest.

1- In first place is Eugenio Prados, an author who refuses to reveal what he looks like and where he lives. In 2015, his novel La tienda secreta (The Secret Shop) was the bestselling novel on Amazon. His latest novel, the sequel to La tienda secreta, is in Amazon’s Top 20. Click on the author’s name and the book for more information.

2- Second is Anna García, a 37-year-old writer who was born and lives in Barcelona and is also secretive about her image. On 11 June 2016 her latest novel Quédate conmigo (Stay With Me) was at number 3 in the bestseller list in the USA, Latin America and Europe. Her earlier novel, Hasta que te conocí (Until I Met You) was number one on the Amazon Top 20, a tough trick to pull off for an author with a minimal presence on social networks.

3- Coming in third is Juan de Haro, a mystery author from Alicante who writes for young adults. He is the author of the novel El retrato de Mary Rose (The Portrait of Mary Rose). He doesn’t share much information about himself, and yet there he is in the Amazon Top 20.

4- In fourth place is the Murcia-based writer Miguel Ángel Casaú, a vet who divides his time between animals and mystery, science fiction and horror writing. In 2015 he published the novel La inmortalidad de los condenados (The Immortality of the Condemned), which was a hit in 2015 and 2016, spending over 180 days in Amazon’s Top 20.

5- José Vicente Alfaro (Huelva, 1976), in fifth place, is a graduate in law from the Universidad de Sevilla. He burst onto the Spanish literary scene in 2013 with the publication of La esperanza del Tibet (The Hope of Tibet), a novel that soared up the bestseller lists on Amazon, spending over 200 days in the Top 100.

In May 2016 he published his fourth novel, Bajo el cielo de los celtas (Under a Celtic Sky). By June he was already at number 13 in the Amazon Top 20: he has been translated into various languages—English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese—by Amazon Crossing.


6- Successful authors who publish both paper and e-books include Mario Escobar, a Madrid historian who has published over twenty books that have sold all over the world. His books have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, English, Russian, Portuguese, Danish, French, Italian, Czech, Polish and Serbian. Mario Escobar gets into the Amazon Top 20 with every book he writes.

7- Kristal Ralston is an Ecuadorean writer who, as well as publishing her own ebooks on Amazon, also publishes with Editorial Planeta and HarperCollins Ibérica. She writes romantic novels featuring independent women and alpha males.

Ralston was a finalist in the Leer y Leer 2013 romantic novel competition, organized by the Argentine publishing house Vestales, and she is co-administrator of the literary blog Escribe Romántico.

8- Enrique Laso has sold over 500,000 copies of his self-published books. In fact, one of his latest books is titled Cómo he vendido 500.000 libros, or “How I Sold 500,000 Books.”

He writes on average 30 to 40 books a year, including novels (of which three are trilogies) and non-fiction books. He translates most of his books into 10-12 languages and writes under 13 different pseudonyms, of which the only one he has revealed so far is Henry Osal.

His most successful novel was El rumor de los muertos (The Murmur of the Dead) which went on to sell 130,000 digital copies. In 2014 Martínez Roca (Planeta Group) brought out a paper edition and it has sold over 250,000 copies. His books are not only on Amazon, many are also on dozens of self-publishing platforms such as Google Play, i-Books, Kobo, etc.

9- Antonia J. Corrales, a Madrid writer whose first two novels enjoyed moderate success, saw her third novel En un rincón del alma (“In a Corner of the Soul”), an intimate romantic tale, rise to number 1 on the Amazon charts when she decided to self-publish after being rejected by several publishers. She then signed a deal with Ediciones B, who published it on paper and as an ebook.

10- Matilde Asensi has over twenty million readers all over the world, and is a hit among quality bestseller fans. She publishes with Planeta but keeps the rights to her digital books which she self-publishes on Amazon where she is in the Top 20. Her books on paper are handled by the literary agency Bookbank.

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage - www.thespanishbookstage.com

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