Páginas de Espuma: Guardians of the Short Story

The independent label has become guardian and champion of the short story in Spanish.

For some time it was believed, naively, that Jorge Luis Borges did not win the Nobel Prize for Literature because of writing stories. As if that something brief would gain more relevance than a certain proximity to Pinochet’s government. Truth is that the Swedish Academy did not show special devotion to this genre until 2012 and 2013 when it awarded the prize to authors who have short stories in the DNA of his writing: Chinese Mo Yan –master of popular short stories- Canadian singer Alice Munro –master of the contemporary short story-.The expression 'live of the story' has its origins in the Middle Ages. In those days, jugglers roamed villas earning a few coins from the nobles and the clergy in exchange for the account of certain stories. It is not hard to imagine Juan Casamayor as one of those modern minstrels. The man from Madrid founded in 1999 together with Encarnacion Molina, the publishing house Páginas de Espuma, an independent label that has become guardian and champion of the short story in Spanish.

Read more here El País - Babelia


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