Lara Moreno in Caballo de Troya

“The author of Por si se va la luz (In Case the Light Goes Out), is the new guest editor.

Lara Moreno is taking the editor’s baton from Alberto Olmos at Caballo de Troya. From January 2017, the books published by the imprint of Penguin Random House will bear the author’s stamp of approval. This is the third consecutive year of the guest editors programme.

‘The main idea is to discover and publish new voices with the personal approval of young Spanish authors who have established themselves on the Spanish literary scene.’ As Olmos says: ‘In my year in charge, Caballo de Troya has become a leader in publishing new voices.’ Just as it has in 2016, next year Caballo de Troya – now under the lead of Lara Moreno – will publish six new titles in paper and digital formats. In June 2014, Elvira Navarro was named editor of Caballo de Troya for 2015; Navarro succeeded Constantino Bértolo, the heart and soul of the project from the time it was founded in 2003 to his retirement.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

Read more here - Estandarte 

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