Jorge Luis Borges, 30 years later. Three decades after his death, the author's work not only remains intact, but grows and revives in new readers

In one of his extraordinary essays, Juan Goytisolo argues that the renewal of literature in the Spanish language in the twentieth century came from two fundamental facts that did not happen in Spain but .. Latin America: the reinterpretation Jorge Luis Borges made of the work of Cervantes and the one that Jose Lezama Lima made of Gongora’s. What was Borges’ great revolution? William Ospina affirms that the culture in which we live today would be inconceivable without him, because somehow "Borges brought to Latin America all the things in the world." In other words, the work of Borges familiarized his readers with content that came from distant cultures, geography and history, without everything that happened starting in Spain or any other centers of which Latin America was subsidiary.

Read more here - El País - Cultura

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