Interview with Daniel Fernández, President of the Association of Publishers' Guilds of Spain (FGEE)

We talked with Daniel Fernández to learn about the evolution of the book market and about the proposals for improvement. In addition to being president of the Association of Publishers' Guilds of Spain (FGEE), Daniel Fernandez is also president of Edhasa Editorial and of Castalia.

As president of the FGEE, what are your priorities?

Since the board that I preside took office, we set several goals: a proposed Comprehensive Plan for the Promotion of Reading containing reading as an essential value of the progress and the respect of the book as a basic element of knowledge, culture and leisure. Starting from this, what we want is that the different public administration offices take initiatives and measures to reduce the distance that still separates us from the reading levels of the average European, and to give value to the largest Spanish cultural industry and our leadership in Latin America . The second objective, but not less important, is the relentless defense of intellectual property.

Then we have other challenges, such as matching the VAT from the digital book to the printed one, the renewal of the budget for the public library system; give aid to families for the purchase of textbooks and to adapt the sector to the new digital times. Also, of course, help to sustain bookstores and libraries.

Read full interview here, page 35 -  La Lectora Futura - 

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