Real Academia. Clara Janes, Following King Solomon’s Footsteps

The poet and translator takes possession of the ‘U’ chair of the RAE with a speech loaded with the highest learning.

Jorge Guillen said Clara Janes sang like birds at dawn. After many years, the poet, translator and essayist from Barcelona, who never dreamed of entering the Real Academia Española (RAE), crossed its threshold reading a speech dedicated to Solomon, the wise king, whose faculties included being able to talk to birds. Another writer, Soledad Puértolas, answered yesterday the words of the newcomer on behalf of the Academia. Clara Janes, who grew up surrounded by the 25,000 books of her father, Jose Janes, founder of the publishing house which would then associate with Plaza, read a long a speech full of erudition,  'A star of infinite points. Around Solomon and the Song of Songs', a vast inquiry into the "enigma" surrounding writing and whose vague form includes both the "osmosis" and "natural or intentional selectionsl" as "mutations" or " confluences ".

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