Nordic Passion

Nordica Libros celebrates 10 years of editorial commitment to Scandinavian literature

The Nórdica Libros catalogue now features 147 books including fiction, poetry, travel writing, and theatre, all of which stay true to the passion first kindled in the editor Diego Moreno by Knut Hamsen’s Hunger.

The madrileño is now 40, and although he studied Sociology, soon caught the publishing bug. Having worked for a few different publishers he finally settled on Nordica Libros and yesterday was celebrating its tenth anniversary at the Hotel de las Letras with partners, authors, translators and Scandinavian diplomats in Madrid.

(…) The authors that Nordica Libros publishes don’t usually go to Frankfurt, they include, in addition to Hamsun, classic writers such as Enquist, Ibsen, Lars Gustafsson (Death of a Beekeeper), August Strindberg, Kjell Epsmark, and Tomas Transtömmer, although writers from other countries such as Kafka, Ganivet and Borges, also find a place when a link can be made to the inspiration Diego Moreno felt when he embarked upon his Nordic project.”

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage - 

Read more here - Juan Cruz, El País - Cultura 

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