Mixed Stories: where you can buy, mix and make your personalized anthology of stories

RelatosRevueltos.com is the first online store specializing in stories in digital format. It would already be something innovative, as there is currently nothing similar, but its peculiarity does not end there. Besides being able to acquire books of stories in digital format, readers can also select and purchase separately.

That story, which a friend has recommended, that we are working in our creative writing class, or has simply caught our attention because we like title or the author, can now be purchased individually.

In Lencabezado_weba  Spanish Publisher Páginas de Espuma has been the first to include its digital catalog in RelatosRevueltos.com. This independent label has established itself as a publisher of reference within the short stories scope, not only in Spain but its reputation extends to the Spanish-speaking countries, with special emphasis in Mexico and Argentina.

Read more here - Dosdoce.com




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