SM Publishing House is launching collection of classics (Colección Clásicos) designed to please readers in the age range of 14-18: Don Quixote' and 'La Regenta' (truly) conceived for the youth

SM Publishing House is launching collection of classics (Colección Clásicos) designed to please readers in the age range of 14-18: Don Quixote' and 'La Regenta' (truly) conceived for the youth

Those of us who are now in our 40s were forced in EGB (Basic General Education) and BUP (Unified Polivalent High School) to read classics such as La Celestina, Don Quixote, El Cantar de Mío Cid, The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes... All masterpieces of our literature that were not conceived for children, which is the reason why many of us ended our obligatory high school run with an enduring hatred of reading. To address this maladjustment, SM’s new collection, Colección Clásicos, is a breath of fresh air that is entering the educational institutions of Spain to help both teachers and students in the arduous task of analyzing, for instance, Leopoldo Alas Clarín’s La Regenta.

Read more here - El Mundo - Cultura


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