The Star of Book Fair Dedicated to Jorge Luis Borges was a Youtuber

Chilean Germán Garmendia was the star of the event, after having sold 8,000 copies of his book. The 42nd edition of the Buenos Aires International Book Fair, dedicated to the memory of Jorge Luis Borges ....

in the thirtieth anniversary of his demise, succumbed to the adolescent frenzy provoked by Chilean Youtuber Germán Garmendia. With 8,000 copies of his book sold, and a line of youngsters impatiently waiting to meet their idol, the young author completely eclipsed the other stars of the fair, such as the new director of the National Library and keynote speaker at the opening of the event, Alberto Manguel; Borges’ widow, María Kodama; and Peruvian Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, among others.

Read more here - El País Cultura

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