Borges’s “The Aleph”

In his celebrated story “The Aleph”, the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), describes a point in space that contains all the points in the Universe (curiously that point is found in a fairly prosaic place: the basement of an old Buenos Aires house).

An exhibition in Casa America summarizes the life and work of the writer on the 30th anniversary of his death

In his celebrated story “The Aleph”, the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), describes a point in space that contains all the points in the Universe (curiously that point is found in a fairly prosaic place: the basement of an old Buenos Aires house). Looking at that Aleph, according the Borgesian fiction, one can see everything at once and from all possible angles. Something similar to that panoptic vision is what the exhibition “The Infinite Borges” tries to impart, which can been seen at Casa America until the May 25, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the writer’s death. 

Read more here - El País


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