Martí Domínguez, Bach, and Albanell, 50th Serra d’Or Prizes

The novelist Martí Domínguez, a contributor to the Quadern supplement of this journal, has been awarded the Serra d’Or Critics Prize for the Novel in 2016 for La sega (The Harvest), a work which also obtained the Critics Prize in the Catalan Language a little more than a week ago.

The Best Novel Award is the most important of the group of prizes.

The novelist Martí Domínguez, a contributor to the Quadern supplement of this journal, has been awarded the Serra d’Or Critics Prize for the Novel in 2016 for La sega (The Harvest), a work which also obtained the Critics Prize in the Catalan Language a little more than a week ago. The Best Novel Award is the most important of the group of prizes granted by the magazine Serra d’Or under the auspices of the Abbey of Montserrat, in its 50th anniversary year. Josep-Ramon Bach, for Caïm (Cain), and Pep Albanell, for Les fantasies del nàufrag (Fantasies of a Castaway), won the prizes in the fields of poetry and narrative, respectively.  “We hope that we can continue with the same seriousness, the same spirit of service to the country, and the same sense of responsibility we have had until now,” said Father Josep Massot i Muntaner, Publications Director of both the Abbey of Montserrat and the magazine, at the awards ceremony.

Read more here  - El País


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