Lorca’s legacy will stay in Spain

Rumors that part of his work could be sold off to repay the foundation’s debt drives government to action. Spanish authorities are seeking to ensure that the creative legacy of Federico García Lorca will stay in Spain.

Faced with the threat of seeing part of his work sold or divided up to pay off a debt estimated at €10 million by the Spanish Culture Ministry, the acting central government and Madrid regional officials have declared the writer’s entire oeuvre a Bien de Interés Cultural – BIC, or Cultural Asset.

This legal status aims to afford protection from the mismanagement detected at the foundation that is in charge of preserving his legacy, the Fundación García Lorca.

The decision was first relayed to the Lorca family and to the foundation trustees, in what constitutes another dramatic chapter in a story that began in June 2015. It was then that Laura García Lorca, the poet’s niece and head of the foundation, filed a complaint against her financial officer, Juan Tomás Martín, accusing him of misappropriating funds and forging documents.

Read more here - El País

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