Manuel Vilas, Winner of the 2015 Aragon Prize for Literature

“The novelist and poet Manuel Vilas Vidal has been announced as the winner of the 2015 Aragon Prize for Literature by a unanimous jury. The award honours continuous work of particular notability or importance by Aragonese people, institutions or entities in the field of literary creativity and research.

The jury hailed the author’s ‘literary richness and versatility in the use of literary genres (articles in the press, essays, fiction and poetry) in which he has always combined quality with a radical creative renewal of existing forms, earning him global recognition and renown for a unique universe where his homeland of Aragon always has a presence.’

The Aragon Prize for Literature has regained its financial dimension and is sponsored by Bodegas ENATE.”

Manuel Vilas (Barbastro, Huesca, 1962) is a writer and poet. He has been a regular collaborator in many Spanish newspaper, among others: ABC, El País and El Mundo. He also writes in the main Spanish literary supplements such as ABC Cultural and Babelia. He has published more than one thousand articles, and he is also a regular contributor to Spanish magazines such as Quimera, Vanity Fair, Letras libres, Turia, Cuadernos hispanoamericanos or Mercurio, among others.

Translation by The Spanish Bookstage 

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