Spanish Language Forum

The Department of Applied Languages and the Center for Hispanic Studies of the Antonio de Nebrija University (Madrid), as well as Editorial SGEL publishing house are extending an invitation to you to participate in this Forum, .......

which was conceived as a meeting point for experts, professionals, teachers and students of Spanish as a Second Language (ELE).

The usage of Spanish in an international context is constantly increasing, so the demand for learning and teaching the Spanish language is understandably increasing.

More and more, the professionals of the Spanish instruction filed –whether they are teachers, editors, or authors of didactic texts—are feeling the need to stay current in methodological issues. In this conference we shall tackle a subject in which there is still a long way to go: teaching Spanish to teenagers and young adults. We will be answering questions such as: What role do emotions play in the brain and in the language learning process? How should we adapt our educational methodology according to the intercultural diversity of the students? What is the integrated approach for learning content and foreign languages (AICLE), and how do we apply it in working with our teenage students?

We will have specialists who will help us to debate and reconsider our approach, so we can advance in our grasp of these issues and learn about the latest trends.

Moreover, this time the Forum will be complemented by the presentation of teaching experiences by the participants, whose proposals can be sent until April 28 through our website to be selected by the Organizing Committee. The experiences presented should respond to the theme of the Forum: ‘What should I do with my students who are between the ages of 11-18? Teaching proposals for the ELE Classroom,” and will have a time limit of 20 minutes. Click here for more information









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