Bookstage News.

Books for Children and Young Adults in Spain. To coincide with the beginning of the Bologna Book Fair, we are publishing a report released by the Observatory of the Book and Reading in 2015, examining the state of Children’s and Youth Literature in Spain.

Observatory of Reading and the Book

“Children’s and Young Adult literature is currently enjoying a period of great recognition and prestige, the result of a long campaign to give children’s and youth literature the status it deserves.

Aware of the importance of the sector, one of the main drivers of the publishing industry in Spain, the Observatory of Reading and the Book has published a report that presents the main information on production and sales, analyzing different aspects of the range of books being published and some trends resulting from the digital revolution.”

Trends in Children’s and Youth Literature

– More varied and diverse themes that blur the difference between fantasy and reality. After several years in which the romance-vampire fashion dominated, the fantasy genre has continued to reinvent itself with new concepts such as the Song of Ice and Fire series and the dystopian adventure of The Hunger Games. Realism has also gained ground with stories featuring adventure, mystery and humour as well as informational books. In addition, the romantic novel for young people has won over many readers.

– Publishers opt for illustrated books and comics.

This is a golden time for illustration, which is transcending the label of children’s literature and reaching young people and adults.

– Adaptations and new editions of age-old classics. Together with the appearance of new versions of old stories, new editions that cast classics in a new light, for example the four hundredth anniversary of the death of Cervantes.

Observatorio de La Lectura y el Libro - Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España

Read more here -  translation provided by The Spanish Bookstage

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