Lolita Bosch has been awarded with the XVII Roc Boronat Literary Prize with Rage, a memoir on bullying, to be published by Ara Llibres.

Lolita Bosch has been awarded with the XVII Roc Boronat Literary Prize with Rage, a memoir on bullying, to be published by Ara Llibres.

Rage tells the story of many –way too many– bullied teens, from now and from 30 years ago based on the own experience of Lolita, who was bullied when she was a teenager. 

«My name is Lolita Bosch. I write. I am a journalist and an activist for peace. I like how I am living my own life. I am a mother. I am 45 years old. However, until now, I had never been brave enough to say publicly, and out loud, that when I was a teenager, between the age of 14 and 17, I was bullied. I had to look for other victims, almost 30 years later, to be able to talk about me. I’ve found many. They are everywhere. It seems that 6% of underage students are bullied in extreme ways. And a higher percentage are bullied in a severe and dangerous way –almost always in silence.


As hard as it is to believe, the truth is there are hundreds of teachers, directors and instructors in many schools that do nothing, say nothing and do not protect the victims. They not even look at them. Nowadays. Today. And 30 years ago, when I was one of those victims.

Translation The Spanish Bookstage

Read more here - Pontas Literary & Film Agency

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