Miguel Aguilar takes control at Taurus

Miguel Aguilar will be taking control at Taurus to relaunch the historical non-fiction imprint and coordinate it with the Debate catalogue, which he has run since 2006.

March 14th, 2016

“The editor of Debate also had an offer to direct Ediciones B

Miguel Aguilar will be taking control at Taurus to relaunch the historical non-fiction imprint and coordinate it with the Debate catalogue, which he has run since 2006. The offer to become literary director of both imprints was made by executives at Penguin Random House and the editor has accepted in spite of a tempting rival offer to decide the literary course of Ediciones B, the book section of Grupo Z, replacing Ernest Folch who on 15 February left the role to direct the newspaper Sport.

Possessed of a well established talent for combining intellectual rigour with a a good nose for a commercial title in the difficult non-fiction market, Aguilar (Madrid, 1976) has been running Debate for the last ten years, publishing a multi-disciplinary catalogue whose latest addition is the recent Nobel Laureate, Svetlana Alexievich. 

Translation The Spanish Bookstage 

Read full article here Carles Geli - El País 

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