La casa (The House) by Paco Roca is named Best National Comic of 2015

“La Casa (The House, Astiberri) by Paco Roca (Valencia, 1969), has been chosen as the best National Comic for 2015, an award that has been given for the past four years by specialized bookshops at Zona Cómic organized by the Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros (CEGAL). The award will be presented in Valladolid on 16 March.

La Casa is Roca’s ‘most personal’ comic, an emotional homage to his dead father in which he comes to terms with his memories and what it means to be both a father and a son, an idea that came to him as he was finishing Los Surcos del Azar (The Ravages of Chance) which also won the Zona Comic Prize in 2014.


The 136 page book was published last December with an expanded print run of 10,000 copies, the largest run ever printed by Editorial Astiberri, which turns fifteen this year. - March 11th, 2016 

Read original article here (El País)

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