On Spanish Poetry Publishers in the Digital Era

The Spanish publishing industry is facing radical changes in the digital era, but poetry is often overlooked in discussions about these changes. Has it been disregarded because it is a minor genre? What kind of experimentation is happening in Spanish poetry publishing today?

Thanks to new technology, many new Spanish poetry publishers have launched and are now growing their presence. The poetic landscape has grown considerably, together with new ways of editing, promoting and understanding poetry. These new publishers focus on quality over their economic interests and make the most of the web.

Many projects, exclusively digital, are now taking the scene. For them, going online presents evident advantages: it lowers costs and simplifies the connection among authors, journalists, booksellers, readers, translators, illustrators, photographers, proofreaders, printing companies, etc. It also makes it easier to organize presentations and readings. Ultimately, the web has broken the physical constraints of publishing poetry and has made it available to far more people than ever before.

By Nerea Campos Godoy, translated by Valentina Morotti | @ValeMorotti

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