The Ten Best Historical Novels of 2015

Once more, we have made our own selection of the ten best historical novels of the year. This time we have taken into consideration, besides the opinions of our critics and collaborators, the votes of our readers.

The truth is that we are in agreement in the vast majority of the cases, and the results have not differed in any considerable degree of what we had already understood to be this year’s must-read books in that genre.The list features a majority of Spanish writers, of which we should probably blame the publishing house Ediciones B, which has become a powerhouse in the genre, while other publishing houses that have traditionally specialized in it have hardly published anything interesting this year. It appears that the Catalan publishing house has found the secret of success, and not only in this particular literary genre. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the top historical novel on this year’s list is “El camino de los dioses” (“The Way of the Gods’), by Antonio Cabanas. The novelist combines his erudite knowledge of Egypt with a gripping plot, mixing historical fact with intrigue and surprise elements in the right doses. Our most heartfelt congratulations go to the author, who, we are sure, will continue surprising us in years to come.

By Javier Velasco Oliaga 

Read more here Todo Literatura


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