HNHS Spanish class project having impact many miles away

A classroom project in Beth Beery’s Advanced Placement Spanish Class at Huntington North High School is making an impact on youngsters thousands of miles away.
By Rebecca Sandlin - Thursday, February 18

The 20 students in the class are creating children’s storybooks in Spanish, each coming up with his or her own unique story. Any number of subjects may be the focus. “Some of them make them personal, about their own lives,” Beery explains. “Some of them make them kind of like a moral-to-the-story type books. So they have all different kinds.” The books will also be illustrated, either with clip art or original artwork. They will be finished with either plastic binders or written into already-bound blank books. When they are finished, the books will be sent to children in the Dominican Republic.

“I realized that if we made some books for children it might give them a gift that they didn’t have yet — something that they can use for their education,” Beery says. Her AP Spanish classes have done the project for at least eight years, she says, adding the students benefit in multiple ways from participating.

Read more here 

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