Librotea, an online book-recommendation platform that allow readers to share their literary recommendations, as well as those from writers, literary critics, essayists, bloggers, and other cultural agents of the worlds of cinema, music or visual arts, has been created.
Librotea ( is a revivification of the figure of the bookseller as a recommender of books, something that is being lost with the newest technological advances and consumer habits.
And why does Librotea have the voice of a woman? Because women read more than men, according to the 2015 Cultural Statistics Yearbook published by the Ministry of Culture. Also, in the last few years women writers have had a growing presence in the bestselling book lists. The presence of women in the publishing sector is also growing, thanks to the many female librarians, booksellers or bloggers that professionally recommend books in our country.
Read more here (El PAIS)