Ernest Folch leaves Ediciones B to direct the daily “Sport”

February 17th, 2016
“Folch took editorial control of Grup 62, with the help of Barça Ferran Soriano’s ex-director, and created the imprint Ara, as well as the 36 L Books digital platform.

Ernest Folch, one of the most dynamic and restless editors of the field in Catalonia, left his position as director of Ediciones B, after five years, to run the sports based newspaperSport. Sport and Ediciones B are both a part of Grupo Zeta.

Licensed in Catalan philology, Folch (Barcelona, 1972), son of veteran editor Xavier Folch, has demonstrated a notable and innovative will in the world of books since his debut in the literature field in 1977 with the Catalan imprint Empúries. With natural dynamics and pragmatics, he has worked rigorously for other editorial organizations (editor of Grup 62 from 2003-2006, editor in the RBA group), and has founded his own companies such as Ara Libres (2002) and the digital platforms of Leqtor as well as 36L Books (2009).”

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