“The writer won with El Sistema (The System), a dystopian novel that the jury describes as a ‘major work’ in the Asturian author’s literary career.
February 10th, 2016
Ricardo Menéndez Salmón, the author of books such as Niños en el tiempo (Children in Time), Los arrebatados (Beaten Down), La noche feroz (The Angry Night) and La luz es más antigua que el amor (Light is Older Than Love), has won the 2016 Biblioteca Breve Prize organized by Seix Barral, who have published the writer since 2007. The winning novel is El Sistema (The System), a dystopian fantasy that the jury described as a “major work” in the Asturian writer’s literary career. The award is worth 30,000 euros and the novel will hit bookshops in March.
Read more here (ABC)