Spanish and English, two languages forced to try to understand each other

Spanish and English, two languages forced to try to understand each other
The 7th International Congress of the Spanish Language, which will take place on March 11-18, will tackle in Puerto Rico the "coexistence" of the two languages
This year is the 400th anniversary of this twist of fate, and the debate about the coexistence of the two languages, the advantage English has in the newest technologies, the emergence of middle ways such as Spanglish or the desired bilingualism, is more alive than ever.

The leaders of the 22 Academies of the Spanish Language, guardians of essences, are no strangers to these phenomena, which will be analyzed in this event, which the Spanish-speaking community holds every three years. The 7th International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE) will be held in March in Puerto Rico, a United States territory that is a pellucid example of the way English and Spanish coexist and influence each other to create a bilingual society.

Read more here (EL PAIS)

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