Argentina gives thumbs-up to imported books.

During the previous presidential administration, Argentina closed its borders to imported books as a way to favor the domestic publishing industry. The new government has lifted these measures, which has readers and booksellers very enthusiastic about finally having access to previously hard-to-import content.

Buenos Aires, Argentina's capital, is viewed as one or the world's top reading centers. It is the city with the highest number of bookstores per capita, many of these bookstores actually are open for 24 hours every day of the week. 

However, recent political measures had restricted access to international publications; this made it very difficult for booksellers to please their customers looking for content beyond the one published domestically.

But the new administration lead by president Maurico Macri, is slowly but surely lifting these restrictions to allow  Argentinians to choose from an influx of titles that will soon arrive to this important market. 

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