Mario Vargas Llosa reaches yet another important milestone, his works will be published by prestigious French classic literature collection 'Pléiade".

Vargas Llosa, who will celebrate his 80th birthday in March, gets joints prestigious classic literature collection "La Pléiade" (France), which is an honor that is very rarely granted to a living writer.

Eight titles by Nobel Prize Mario Vargas Llosa, published between 1963 and 2006, will be published in a two-volume set to be released on March 24, 2016, which is four days before his birthday.

Vargas Llosa himself picked the titles which will be translated to French and which will include a new preface by the writer about the art of narrating. 

The author joins Jorge Luis Borges, Jean d'Ormesson, and other renowned authors who have obtained the privilege of being published by "Pléiade".

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