Spanish Ministry of Culture grants first round of quality certifications to bookstores.

An effort to protect independent bookstores and promote reading habits was launched last month. While many bookstores in Spain have already obtained a good quality certification, 29 more have turned in their registration in hopes to boost their image and attract more customers.

The first round of certifications have been granted to the following bookstores: Cervantes (Oviedo); El Búho Lector (Oviedo); Carmen (Parla, Madrid);  Ícaro (La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia); Oletvm (Valladolid); Del Burgo (Palencia); Didacticalia (Madrid); Margen (Valladolid) and Todolibros (Cáceres).

This certification is offered to bookstores as "recognition, incentive and reward to the excellence of the bookselling activity". This process evaluates bibliographic diversity, the catalog, the number of cultural activities performed at the store, relationship between the store and agents, and other criteria in pursuit of good service and quality.

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