Bookworms have been filling the halls at Guadalajara's Expo this week.

The Guadalajara International Book Fair is 29 this year, and Mexico's second city has turned into one big library as it readies itself for more than 800,000 visitors. After Frankfurt, Guadalajara is the most important date in international publishers' diaries.

"All of the editors, all of the publishers, all of the authors want to come here," says the fair's director, Marisol Schulz Manaus.

This year, the guest of honour is the UK, shining a spotlight on one of the oldest - and largest - publishing industries.

"We have people from Asia, from Europe, from all over the world coming every year to the book fair to do business. It's a huge exhibit of books - 400,000 titles in Spanish," says Ms Schulz Manaus.

Read more here.

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