For the first time, the legislature in the state of Washington is giving financial support to districts that offer dual-language instruction. Five districts will receive the first grants.

With a boost from the state, three new Washington school districts will join the ranks of those offering dual-language immersion programs, providing students the opportunity to learn in both English and Spanish.

"Last year, for the first time, the Legislature set aside money to support such programs, in which students spend half the day learning in their native language, and half in another.

On Monday, the state superintendent’s office announced that the Bethel, Selah and Mabton districts will each receive $100,000 to establish new dual language programs.

Two others — Wenatchee and Bellevue — will receive grants of $60,000 and $40,000, respectively, in order to expand existing programs and serve as mentors to the three newcomer districts.

Wenatchee’s program is Spanish-English; Bellevue has programs in Spanish, English and Mandarin."

Read more here.

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