Dual language preschool In Nebraska teaches kids Spanish at an early age.

Lincoln, Nebraska Parks and Recreation offers three preschools in the community Dual Language Preschool education.

'Valerie Guarcas is the Director and Teacher of the Dual Language Preschool. She first speaks to the kids in Spanish, then reinforces in English.

Guarcas said, "They say that at a younger age is when the children actually learn the language the best, so the younger they are the more easy it is for them to learn it and be able to carry it through out life."

Rick Lingard is the Director of the Irving Recreation Center, "It's amazing because it makes you realize how much you don't know, but yet they can absorb all the information that's coming in from them, they're little sponges and their brain develops and you can see it develop on a daily basis."

Lingard calls the preschool a benefit for Lincoln and the students, "Increased multi-tasking, increased capacity for learning and kids with multiple languages, do better academically."'

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