Three Florida seniors produce children's book in Spanish and English

Three residents of St. Andrews Estates South retirement community collaborated to produce a children's book with copies in English and Spanish. "Timothy, the Bear with Blue Eyes" has a message for children to be proud of themselves, even if they are different. The Spanish language version is "Timoteo, el Oso de Ojos Azules." The book can be read by first-graders with help and alone by second-graders, the message says on the back cover.

Author Barbara Kane, a Ph.D. and professor emeriti in school and educational psychology, heard Susan Price Parker mention she was an art major. Turns out Parker, 81, was an interior designer and draftswoman who did commercial work in New York, including the original layout for Melmac dinnerware, Parker said.

Kane had been sitting on the story since she had it copyrighted in 1984.

"I left it on the back of my desk and now I'm cleaning up my life," said Kane, 85, who taught at Indiana State University. She had written so much academically, royalties funded a scholarship. But this was her first children's book.

"The inspiration was my children and my students," she said. "Whether you have straight hair or curly hair or freckles, we're all different, but no less valuable and lovable."

Mario Teza entered the picture as the Spanish language book translator because of his accent. Turns out he speaks other languages, too. Intrigued by the idea, he was in but "it did take me a while," he said.

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