Legendary Spanish editor launches digital news site 'El Espanol' aimed at scooping competition.

"El Espanol" — led by the fired co-founder of Spain's El Mundo newspaper — will be seen starting Wednesday by more than 10,000 subscribers who have agreed to shell out 7 euros per month, without even seeing the product.

Customers will get full access to a news website, a morning electronic newsletter and a nightly magazine-style mobile report. They are betting that Ramirez' reputation for relentless reporting justifies paying for the privilege. Those choosing not to pay won't see El Espanol until Oct. 14, and will be allowed to see 25 articles per month from the website.

"There will be scoops every day," promises Ramirez, who hired 72 journalists at an average annual salary of 50,000 euros each, bucking a trend in which digital publications in Spain and elsewhere frequently rely on a business model of hiring less seasoned reporters for a pittance.

They sit elbow to elbow around high round tables on one floor of a nondescript office building in the city's outskirts, heading out of the newsroom to do telephone interviews because the space is so cramped.

Their job: deliver a visually appealing product with news Spaniards aren't getting elsewhere.

Read more here.